7 Guy Sexual Health Tips For The New Year
Guy sexual health doesn’t always look like stuff about sexuality. This New Year look at guy sexual health examines things like sleep and friends and play.
Contrary to what writing instructors teach — write what you know — I usually write what I’m learning. Guy sexual health and New Year’s resolutions are totally occupying my mind right now.
Every Day Is A New Start With Sexual Health
I’m not big into New Year’s resolutions, but I’m totally into fresh starts. Sexuality is one of those realms of life where it’s frequently useful to draw two red lines and say, “I’d like to do this differently.” It may not look much like stuff about sexuality that I’m writing today but look again. A balanced, healthy, and creative life is all about sex.
It’s day one of 2013 and I’m starting fresh with just a few simple things about sexual health to enhance my life and align with my dreams. There are only seven because I think more than seven is too much of anything for anyone to keep track of. Maybe you have a couple of tips you’d like to share. Jot them down in the comments section.
Start A New Journal
I owe Julia Cameron for teaching me to write morning pages. Three pages a day of anything at all. No rules. Just write. Those years during which I allowed myself that luxury was indisputably the most rewarding and full of personal growth. The concept for Orgasmic Guy was born during morning pages. Get a journal and record the thoughts of your heart. It will do your sexual health good.
Find A New Social Group
I’m at a huge risk of allowing too large a portion of my significant relationships to be on the web. Life has great meaning face-to-face and skin-to-skin, and we’re designed to thrive that way. My day job is among one hundred fifty people with whom I share few common values. This year I will find new relationships with whom I can be honest about who I am and share my passion deeply. Find groups in your own neighborhood. Choose your friends in places where it’s easy to meet.
Share Goals With A Trusted Friend
I’m far more likely to stay on track with my personal growth if I’m telling someone about what my goals are and what I’m doing to achieve them. You put yourself into an environment of accountability, but it’s safe there. Choose a friend that will listen, hear and be honest with you, but not cast guilt and obligation onto you.
Play Outdoors
I suffer from some serious sleep issues. I discovered this past year that as I increased my time having fun outside, my sleep dramatically improved as did my creativity and sense of wellness. I biked more in 2012 than in the previous ten years combined. I’m also taking my creative projects outdoors — do art outdoors, write outdoors, and have sex outdoors. I believe it’s good to sleep outside whenever you can.
Ask For What You Want
Yes, I’m talking sexually and professionally but also of the universe. I grew up in an age and environment where it wasn’t cool to ask, but more godly to give till you were spent. I’m learning that I have much more to give as I boldly ask for what I want. Don’t limit your requests to only those things to which you’ll likely hear, “Yes.” Giving equal strength to the skill of asking is asking what others want of you and then telling them clearly what you can do for them.

Sleep More
This past year reminded me that sleep isn’t something I owe anyone or a pill I need to take, but a beautiful gift. I plan to indulge in this gift much more. Our bodies and souls are recharged with energy and health and healed while we sleep. I learned that human growth hormone is produced during sleep. If you feel hungry in the morning, you’re producing it and your body is healing. If you don’t your sexual health may be suffering.
Set Business Goals Achievable in One Month
I frequently set my goals too far into the future and then life gets complicated or I experience a period of little sleep and I lose heart. I think it’s important to be doing something that you’ll want to do for the next five years so so, but set your goals so you can see results consistently as you go along. If I miss one month I haven’t lost the entire year. There’s always next month.
There’s my plan for 2013. It’s only January 1st and I’m already seeing good results from my sexual health goals. Simple is better. Be honest with yourself and with others and you’ll enjoy living.