Get Sex Out of the Jungle
The problem is that I’ve lots of sexual ideas, sexual things I’d like to try, and stuff stewing on the back burner, but unfortunately, much of it is for later or when I think through that idea better. The worst thing you’ve probably done several times yourself: you wait until “the moment is right”.
Yesterday it didn’t — until later. That meant we had to trim the trees or forget it as after next week it will be too late and we’d be stuck with the brush all winter. So, I got one of those pole saws that reach twelve feet, borrowed a friend’s extension ladder, and climbed around on the house and trees trying to saw off all those dangling limbs threatening to rip my roof off.
We recently bought the house and I don’t think the previous owner had cut limbs for years. The yard looked like a jungle. It was nice and shady and private, but you know those kinds of homes. Who exactly lives there? What goes on in there? It’s spooky and mysterious.
We ended up with a huge pile of limbs, branches, and brush, but the yard looked, airy and inviting; not to mention that I’m not worried about the roof getting trashed by the branches brushing back and forth and ripping off shingles. We feel better about our yard and feel like we can move and work in it. Today, my partner planted a whole bed of perennials — Russian sage, black-eyed-Susans, and coneflowers. It looks fantastic!
I recently read a chapter of a book by Julia Cameron where she was advising artists who never finish anything to organize their studios and lives in order to finish. So often we artists don’t finish anything because we’ve got too much clutter around us and in our heads. We’ve got tons of projects started, ideas simmering and research begun, but very little crawling over the finish line.

Sex and Creativity
I’m arriving at my point. I’m not much different in my sex life than I am in my art life. Since for me, sex is a really creative part of my life, I treat it much like art — it’s a sort of art where the medium is relationships. The problem is that I’ve lots of sexual ideas, sexual things I’d like to try, and stuff stewing on the back burner, but unfortunately, much of it is for later or when I think through that idea better. The worst thing you’ve probably done several times yourself: you wait until “the moment is right”. Do you have any idea how often the right moment comes along? We guys are usually sleeping or playing video games when the right moment occurs!
Like art, some of the most beautiful and exhilarating experiences occur without much prior planning. You move the stuff aside that gets in the way, spread out your stuff, and say, “Let’s create some sex!” You just do it. Like me with my trees in my yard, now I can move around and breathe. I can go here and go there without getting tangled up. Sex is the same. You’ve got to get the stuff in your life that gets in the way out of the way. Then you can breathe, move, think and feel clearly. Your sex life is without clutter and distraction.
Try it! Clean up. Organize. Get sex out of the jungle.
Photo by D. Jameson RAGE on Unsplash