Your Fellow Orgasmic Guy Visitors
Sometimes when I’m surfing the web I wonder who else is visiting these sites and what they’re looking for. Do you ever think like that? Probably. But you’d be surprised how many guys are searching the web using the exact same keywords that you are.
Male Sexuality Web Find Stats
I’m not a stat junkie, but occasionally on my sites, I find it not only interesting but helpful to find out who is visiting, which pages they’re reading, and how they got to the site. Most Orgasmic Guy visitors right now are interested in masturbation tips or masturbation techniques. I find it interesting how many guys misspell masturbation. They spell it maturbation. I’ve of course misspelled it once in the meta-tags and also on a page so the search engines will find it. Apparently, I’ve done a good job of that since Orgasmic Guy is pretty highly ranked for those searches.
Other guys are looking for “male orgasm” and various configurations of that. I get the impression that guys are looking for a more meaningful orgasm. It sounds a bit like they’re tired of just getting off. Thirdly, a lot of guys are looking for articles on male sexuality and various configurations of those keywords.
Orgasmic Guy isn’t the highest ranked on all search engines for these words even though it’s our main keyword. We’re still getting plenty of traffic for “male sexuality” and for that I’m grateful. I’ll write lots more on male sexuality. It’ll be a long time before we exhaust that topic.

Also, it seems Orgasmic Guy has either been around long enough to leave an impression of the name in people’s minds, or “orgasmic guy” is a good search term. I’m leaning toward the former because I don’t recall people using that as a keyword in the beginning.
The last interesting observation is that Orgasmic Guy gets a lot of searches using the word “guy” rather than male or men. It’s been my slant to the site that it is a guy site rather than a men’s site. And those are the kinds of visitors the site is getting. Guys that talk like guys. I guess I’ve found a certain commonness, basicness, and honesty in the word guy rather than the word man.
For the most part, I’m concluding that you, the visitors to Orgasmic Guy are less interested in philosophizing about male sexuality and what guys think about male sexuality than you are interested in what other guys do. At least that’s what the stats tell me. And I’m inclined to think that’s true. When I talk to guys in person, as painful as it is to be blunt and ask, guys eventually hint and dance about the conversation till they’re hearing what other guys do in their sexuality. I think that’s perfectly normal. Guys want to know that they’re like all other guys when it comes to their male sexuality and male sexual fulfillment.
There you are. You’re an Orgasmic Guy visitor. You got here the same way the other guys got here. Welcome!
Photo by Dimitri Karastelev on Unsplash